Hangle Korean Alphabet System Eduin
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Ω 한글은 한국어의 쓰기 체계이다.
Ω Hangle is the writing system of Korean.
한글은 글자, 발음, 단어 그리고 문장을 형성하는 방식을 알려주는 길잡이이다.
Hangle is the guide for forming letters, pronouncing, wording and sentencing.
From English Word 'hangle' into Korean 'Hangle'

The Letter With Boxes in a Box

A Harmonious Letter within Square Boxes, that's Hangle.

Hangle Alphabet - Summary(槪要[])

 There are more than 300 million letters in Hangle:   
 Basically letters are composed of 14 consonants and 11 vowels.
First, the consonant part has 18 simple consonants, including newly addded ones.  Also the simple consonants are combined together, resulting into 324 compound consonants, including fortis. In total: 342 consonants
 Next, in case of vowels, there is a deep round vowel, 'Arae o' and there are Horizontal Vowels & Vertical Vowels; Based on H*V vowels, there are 10 basic vowels(H(5)/V(5)) with 1 or 2 bar-added. Also there are dual vowels with 1 or 2 dot-added. There are umlaut vowels & duple vowels. Addingly, there are <botm vowels>: bar dual vowels, h._i_dual vowels, h. i_triple vowels and quad vowels. Thus, there are 47 horizonal vowels & 54 vertical vowels and in total 102 individual vowels. Also there are 2538 H*V compound vowels such as horizontal & vertical; H*V with bars, H*V with dots, H*V with umlauts, H*V with duple vowels and quad vowels. In total: 2639 Vowels
 Letters are formed with Top consonants and Mid vowels(TM) or Top consonants, Mid vowels and Bottom consonants(TMB). The total num of letters in Hangle will be
309,570,534, which is so numerous that Hangle is called 'a preterhuman language'.

The Combination with Variable Consonants & Table Vowels!
LeeKH's Revised Hangle

  The Korean language, Hangle has relation with the English word 'hangle'. That is, English word 'hangle' has two types of meanings. The one is it has the meaning of <rack/peg:hanger> which is the combination with 'han' from 'hang' and 'gle' from 'dangle'. The other, <grip/knob/strap:handle>, 'han' from 'hang' and 'gle' from 'angle'. (There could be some other meanings.) 'Hangle' & 'hangle'
 And you might infer these two facts; 1) The line types of phonemes - 'ㄱ,ㄴ,ㄷ,ㄹ,ㅁ,ㅂ' - are from the handle bar, getting turned into round shape, 'ㅇ' from 'knob'. 2) The curved type of phonemes such as 'ㅅ, ㅈ, ㅊ' and the added type of phonemes such as 'ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ' are from the hanger.
 <The Korean language, Hangle has relation with the English word 'hangle', the tool of daily lives!>
 Hangle has more than  300 million letters based on the above consonants and the vowels of horizontal*vertical, dot, bar shapes, etc. (Thus, it is called a preterhuman language.)
 What an amazing language Hangle is!
 Hangle is an international language.
 (Focus on 'Hangle' not 'Hangul'!) - Hangle manager: LeeKH(이기희)

What an amazing language Hangle is to have the meaning of Daily Life Tools!
~잡이: hang +   angle -> handle
~걸이: hang + dangle -> hanger

Consonants & Vowels

The Intuitional(Shape/Location) Consonants: Hangle / hangle - Tools
    * Handle Type: ㄱ//////
    * Hanger Type: ㅅ//////
The Combination of Consonants like Clons -> Dual Consonants (Fortis)
=> View Intuitive Consonants

Horizonal Vowels, Vertical Vowels & H*V Compound Vowels
    Deep Round Vowel:    <- Luna Vowel,    // Arae a
    Horizonal :
Bar Vowels:
    /// vertical
    Compound Vowels:
      Compound Vowels
    Dot Vowels: / , /
      Dot Vowels
Vowels with Priority -> Dual Vowels
    Vowels with 'i' -> Duple Vowels
Making Round -> Umlaut Vowels
Three Vowels into One -> Triple Vowels
Four Vowels into One -> Quad Vowels
=> Visit Vowels - Total
An Easy, Simple and Systematic Language, Hangle
  Hangle[한글] has a very systematic letter-writing system. Above all, it's easy to learn.
  Especailly, the inscriptions of vowel sounds are very simple, compact & even profound.
How Simple & Systematic! - Cheon-Ji-In on Mobile Phone

More Than  300 million Letters, Hangle
The Combination with Variable Consonants & Table Vowels

Learning Hangle
Grammar Lec.
Basic Course
* Vowels